Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Thank You

As my blog visitor counter approaches its 400th visitor, i would like to say thank you to everyone who has visited, read, followed and simply enjoyed my writing. its been a year since i put up this blog and its been great to know you visit it. it feels good to know that you took and take time to come through and check what's new. Thanks for the comments, suggestions and offers.

its been a tough year already and sometimes that's just what we need to keep the text coming. Soon i will be launching a "prose" or "article" style version of my writing which i hope will interest you just as much as the poetry.

i'm sincerely humbled and i do hope that anytime you come here, you find something that inspires you, that speaks to you or that simply engages you, even if its just for a minute. Do let me know your thoughts (ssmillss@gmail.com), its always good to hear from you.

Thank You
God Ble$$!


  1. hey sharon,
    im here for the first time and what i see is pretty cool. im inspired.
    u runaway copywriter, come back to prison and finish the work u started. tsk tsk.

  2. Ure welcome... :D

  3. ape bevday sharon!!! God bless
