Saturday, July 2, 2011

My Man

He’s all I ever I wanted, sometimes more
My hero, my prince…still my friend
He’s strong for me, outside and in
My go to guy...still my everyday guy
He’s my real man, heart and soul
My companion…still my blessing
He’s my gift from God, every day I discover more
My treasure…a part of my heartbeat
He’s my other hand, my earthly help
My shoulder…still my truth bearer
He’s my good side, true sometimes on my bad
My restriction…still my calm
He’s my tears, sometimes the reason to my fears
My star…still a brightness in all the darkness
He’s my man…still and always, My Man.

Prayer for the World

Dear God,
The darkness overtakes us, almost consuming us
Wickedness surrounds us, the evil seems stronger
Truth eludes us, lies seem to support us, this cannot be
We are weak and tearing the world apart along with us
Sin, so quickly ensnares us, chokes us and drowns us
We lose to our enemies who confidently accuse us
Who strategically attack us and almost devour us
We are stubborn and unyielding even defying
Our weakness echoes in our actions
Our tears drizzle from all the emotions
We are weak inside and out
Save us from the wickedness
Save us from the evil
Save us from us.

I am Woman

They say I’m weak, I have no voice sometimes no choice
That I have issues and i make all confused
They say I’m slow, sometimes with nowhere to go
That there’s no chance I’ll get to the top
They think it’s because I am Woman

I am Woman
They are wrong, I’m strong with a loud voice
I’m felt and heard sometimes even feared
I’m fast and so ahead and in some races, I’m the head
I don’t have chances because they can slip
I have opportunities, they only increase
I have responsibilities, I must succeed

Yes, I am woman
What they say can only make me stronger
Makes me a problem solver, more powerful than a revolver
What they say gives me power…the power to go higher
Will, the will to run faster and cause to shout louder
I’m here to stay, remember I am WOMAN

The colour of Love

It’s bright and shines like the sun
Yellow maybe red, just take it and run
Really to some its lots of fun.

Its dark and covers like clouds
Black maybe grey in the thick of a crowd
To some its been the darkness they have known

Its neutral and looks like anything goes
White may be cream, just like your foes
Always there but almost invisible

The colour of love is the colour you choose
Be it true to what you feel or what could be real
To some it’s a choice and to others a curse
Some way, someday your colour comes true
And that could be me and you.

My HEro

He is my Hero
He hasn’t saved me…he can’t save me
But I adore him…he is a part of my life
He makes me stronger…inside and out
He is my hero
He is strong…he fights for me
He smiles at me…he makes me smile
He is my hero
He is there for me…he keeps me occupied
He makes mistakes…I make mistakes
He is my hero
He is not my air…but he helps me live
He is not my sun…but he brings some shine
He is my hero
He is someone to want…I want him
He is someone to love…I love him
He is my hero
He wins and he loses…still my hero
He laughs and he cries…still my hero
He is my hero…you're wondering who he is?
He is MY HERO.